
About Me


I've got a lot of names but for simplicity's sake you can call me Mort or Morton. I'm male (he/him) and I live in the United States. I'm an '03 baby (20 years old)!


I mostly listen to rock and electronic music, especially grunge, punk, new wave, and post-hardcore-ish stuff. Some examples of bands/artists I like are the Beatles, Blink-182, the Clash, the Cure, Fall Out Boy, Frank Iero, Ghost, Gorillaz, Green Day, Icepeak, Leathermouth, Linkin Park, Mudhoney, My Chemical Romance, Neil Young, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, They Might Be Giants, and the Used. I'm not a superfan of all of these artists, these are just examples.
I love horror, I started off as a creepypasta/SCP kid but nowadays I mostly watch horror movies. My favorite horror movie is probably John Carpenter's The Thing (1982). I like creature features/cool monsters, body horror, and artsy stuff.
I like pretty much any type of art, visual or otherwise, and I draw and paint occaisionally but not very often these days.
I'm not very good at video games but I like Don't Starve, Project Zomboid, Minecraft, and survival/simulation games in general.
I read occasionally, mostly nonfiction. I like politics and sociology. I also like comics but I havn't really gotten into them as a serious hobby.
I'm very slowly learning Spanish, but can't speak it yet.

For more, check out my pages on music and movies!

Beliefs and Stuff

I don't strongly follow any particular "-ism", (political, religious, or other). I would consider myself to be anti-authoritarian and a socialist. I'm also vegetarian/vegan for ethical and ecological reasons. I plan on making a page talking about that soon, as well as sharing some recipes.
I don't participate in label discourse, I support basically everyone.
Proshippers are fucking gross.
Also I'm extremely critical of psychiatry. The TL;DR is that we need to completely change the way we think and talk about mental distress, and build new, non-hierarchical ways of caring for people in mental distress.